The geography immersion has ramped up to new and unseen levels. Dad is being dragged along for the ride. So, I'll know more about world geography than I never thought I would (capital of Chad? 3 regions of the Czech republic? largest lake in Cambodia?) by the end of this.
But some of it is funny. Today, we were talking about Chad....named after Lake Chad, and Suzanne, chimes in, yeah, but what does 'Chad' mean? So, go to wikipedia, look it up, and it means "large body of water" or "lake".
So Chad is named after Lake Chad, which means, well, lake....
In other news:
Wiley, beneficiary of too many misplaced meals by Christopher and Matthew, has been ordered to a 'lite' diet by the vet. So, of course, tonight, Matthew's meal was left 'low' and Wiley cleaned up for him......
Kevin's report card came....avoided the 'B' in language arts that we were sure he was going to get. Did include a note from the science teacher "sometimes is disruptive".....Kevin says it's all lies.
Everyone but Kevin went to "Build a Book" night at Bennett Woods. Two books created, 'Christopher's Trip to San Diego' and 'Matthew's Sport's Adventures'.
Oh, the answers above: N'Djamena, Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, and the Tonle Sap.