No blogging yesterday, was just dead-ass tired when we got back.
Sunday was devoted to driving to, and past, Hana….we essentially circumnavigated Maui, or, at least, the eastern most lobe of the island. The road is a series on one-lane bridges, switch backs, and ups and downs. Thankfully, none of the boys had, or have ever had, car sickness issues, but, we did pass one woman bringing up her lunch!
I can’t even begin to describe how beautiful the Road to Hana was; and the amazing things we saw. Most of the pictures that are coming aren’t of the car ride.

In the morning, at a scenic overlook.
We peeled off the Hana highway, which doesn’t hug the coast but is actually up quite a distance from it (but, at times, is a one lane road RIGHT NEXT TO THE ROCKS that lead, straight down, to the coast. The Kipakaone park was at the bottom of one road that led away from the highway; we stopped there. Christopher found a prickly pear, and, as we were driving off, I spied on the side of the road something that the boys had been looking for all trip; a coconut. Stopped the car, got out, grabbed the ‘nut, opened the back door, and the smile on Christopher’s face when presented with the ‘nut was better than any picture you’ve seen here!

Just short of Hana we stopped at the Wai’Anapanapa State Park to see the black sand beach. I, bizarrely, have no pictures of the black sand, but, presume that Suzanne does. I do have these pictures, including one of Suzanne taking a picture of Christopher (on the black sand) and Matthew up against the wall of a lava tube / cave near the beach
In Hana, we went down to this beach, on Kaihalulu Bay. Again, Dad’s pictures do the beach an injustice, but this beach is known for its red sand. Really, it’s black sand, mixed with some red sand, but, it is/was really cool. Quite a hike/walk down to the beach, but, well worth it. Kevin is standing on the lava pools; we were all out there checking out the fish swimming around in them.

Once we were past Hana we stopped at Haleakala National Park; the primo attraction here are the 7 sacred pools, and, both Suzanne and I were both extremely underwhelmed…when there is so much natural beauty around, the crowd of humanity around the pools sunbathing and swimming in them was a turn-off. The family hiked the 1/2 mile up the Pipiwai trail to the Falls at Makahiku.
It hasn’t been rainy here, which has been a good thing for us, all sun for our activities, but, bad for the falls, which weren’t there. But the view from the overlook was fantastic.

We continued up the trail towards the Waimoku Falls, another 1 1/4 miles distant. This massive banyon tree is on the route….Kevin is leading the way and Fric and Frac are doing a great job of making their way upward (pretty steep at times)

About a mile in you walk through a bamboo forest; literally, at 3 pm, it’s almost dark as you walk on the path. Had a hard time getting a good photo here with the flash going off.

And, these are the falls….not a lot of water, but, really really tall!

Kevin posed…Fric and Frac not interested in the group photo at this point.
Continued our way around the island to the east; lots of debate on the ‘net on whether you should go around past Hana (parts are unpaved and narrow and you are technically outside of your rental car contract if you go there). We think it’s much ado about nothing….going around is the way to go. You can see in this photo the stark change from rain forest and vegetation as we turned the corner to this…..
Another lava arch… the day grows long. Got back to the hotel well after dark….a really long day, but, worth it. Boys were troopers for the 12 hour ride and hike….they’ve, mostly, done quite a good job this trip behavior wise.