Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Iphone Photo Dump – Room Renovations


Figured I’d start naming these posts too….


Matthew, chllin’ in the fancy reclining seat with his vanilla milkshake, waiting for World War Z to start.

The local movie chain opened up, or, better said, remodeled the old closed theatre at Meridian Mall, and opened up this fancy new theatre with nice new seats, and, some even nicer new seats that recline and they serve you dinner at.

So, we’ve been trying to go the new theatre more than the one over in Lansing….and I’d guess once every 6 months we decide to splurge and sit in the nicer seats.  That was Saturday, we were tired after a day of work in the house (see below)….movie was good, nothing like the book but pretty suspenseful nonetheless…


The bulk of the weekend was spent renovating Cpher’s room…..we had last painted in here when Kevin was the occupant and had never updated it, so, finally caved in, and had a free weekend, and went for it.

Furniture, almost universally, is by Ikea.


So three walls are this macadamia color that we have downstairs….and one accent wall in chinese red.  Not sure how all of this goes with the custom blue blinds….and we tried to have some blue in the cube storage over there and some blue on the futon but they seem to all be a little different.  Oh well.

New light fixture over the window….and the ceiling fan in the center needs to go….


Still some work to do here….turn the window and door trim white, and in the end finally recarpet the 2nd floor and redo the baseboards.  The carpet effort will be a massive undertaking…there is a lot of furniture to move upstairs to make that happen.


Cpher’s room is the hottest room in the house….this ‘reshuffle’ has made it easier to keep the one vent in his room open, but, even then, if he leaves his door open the temperature gets outrageous.


Kevin has never been really motivated to practice on his own for any sport….Cpher is much the same way (but, at times, will go for it).  Matthew ill practice soccer at almost any opportunity, and, as we came home from Ikea on Saturday there he was, out front, in the pouring rain, practicing his juggling and moves.