Matthew: That soccer game I thought was a must-win? A 0-0 tie. Still have a shot at Premier One but it is getting a little dicey. Again, we had more than enough chances. Again, the boys who are entrusted with scoring the goals for our team can’t seem to put a shot on net to save their lives…..I counted at least 5 good (not good, great, incredible!) opportunities where when 1 on 1 with the goalie we can’t even put the ball on frame.
Thought Matthew played ok. Not his best outing, but far from the worst thing I’ve seen on the field this year. Unlike a lot of his teammates, he was at least hustling and trying to create something….a couple of players ended up on the bench for uninspired play.
Play the league leaders next weekend. Getting any result, tie or win, would be a huge boost. Continuing to piss away chances in front of the goal will lead me to speculate openly out here about what I think we need to be doing…..
Game Report below:
TEAM: 02 Boys Blue VS Carpathia Kickers
Had numbers up in the final third and had good runs in behind.
Looked dangerous from set pieces.
In the first half got in behind to great effect especially in the wide areas.
Created more chances then the opposition.
Not good enough finishing. Had chances to toe-poke to score and didn’t take them
Too many players didn’t impact the game or get on the ball often or good enough.
Decisions in the final third were a little too slow.
Full backs weren’t wide enough quick enough
Didn’t have a great deal to do. Thought that a few players played well and won their individual battles.
Centre mid’s tucked in and covered well for players.
Wingers and fullbacks got beaten a little too easily.
Took our eyes off the ball when we went to make challenges.
Some wingers didn’t track back and this was an issue in today’s game.
Just didn’t impose ourselves as well as we could have. We have some exceptionally talented players but players didn’t seem to be on the same page today. Too many players go missing throughout the game and don’t command or demand the ball. I think too many players are going through the motions and doing the simple things but not taking enough chances. We need to play with a bit more confidence and freedom something we will try to install in the lads this week.
Cpher: No football; we couldn’t make the logistics work.
Cross-Country One: Two meets this week; the first in Haslett on Monday.
Ran well; at or equal to his best time. Said he walked for a brief spell after the big hill.
Not this boy’s best outing according to him. Matthew said (and other kids from our team agreed) that the start was not what they were ready for…seemed like everyone was off balance when the gun went off. Matthew said he cramped up in the first mile, and when they came by the first time he was well behind other kids he had been ahead of in previous races. Made up some ground in the second mile (you can see the one kid from the other team with the glasses who is just ahead of Matthew in the first pictures is well behind him in this picture) and finished with his best time of the year.
Have challenged Matthew at the next meet; we picked one kid from his team that runs 30 to 45 seconds ahead of Matthew. On Monday, Matthew’s goal is to stick with him as long as he can.
Cross Country Two: No Matthew here; soccer-first means that Matthew is off at practice instead of running here. But Cpher journeyed out to a course with the biggest hill I’ve seen yet!
Not enthused with how this boy started the race; just a slow jog out while talking with one of his friends. So, he was a little further behind the group than usual.
I will give him full credit though; he sprints in very well and passed five or six kids this time towards the finish. Not the greatest of times (because of the slow start) but for the second race in three days we have no complaints. He has the same challenge as Matthew; picked out the kid in front of him (just the way the team works out the kids is a minute faster than Cpher) and his goal is to stick with him on Monday (foreshadowing; after football this weekend I’m not sure Cpher will even run on Monday….the injury bug is visiting us).