Sunday, November 16, 2014

Canine Update

Bailey:  Steady as she goes?  We’ve been to the vet once and been ‘re-bandaged’; might get out of the splint earlier than the 4 or 5 weeks we were told at the beginning.  Another visit to the vet tomorrow.  We’ve been having some, uh, back-end problems as well…..that we were on meds for and the parasite went away but once we stopped we must not have eradicated it…..we are back on meds for that now again also.


Bailey has been constantly seeking the big guy for comfort, guidance, and well, he is he is the biggest chew toy in town!


And Wiley has been very accepting of Ms. Bailey.  More on him later….


Taken before the ‘breakage’

Holly:  She has been a little less overpowering in the dominance lessons recently; taking pity on Bailey?  Still not very fond of the intruder; only rarely does she allow Bailey to sleep anywhere near here.  Puppy biting games aren’t really allowed either.


Holly does own the funniest moment of the Bailey-days so far; when we send Bailey to her crate when we leave we shout out “Crate Time”.  Holly remembered this word from the past and the first two or three times ran straight for the crate!  A few weeks have passed and Holly doesn’t go near Bailey’s home anymore….

Wiley:  The world’s most patient dog.  When Bailey goes into full-on crazed-Cujo-puppy mode and starts trying to gnaw on anything and everything….Wiley just sits there and tries to take it.  He barks and growls (seriously at times when she really gets going) but sometimes he is very obviously barking just to make noise and play with her.


Still the master of the car ride.  Still have to lift him up into the car.


But his lack of ability allows me to roll the window all the way down…..and allows Wiley to get his head pretty far out the window.  And he has really enjoyed that change.  Winter weather is probably bringing this phase of car rides to a close though……


Bailey has been very good for one thing; she has provided Wiley the motivation he needs to get moving.  He’s been prancing and trotting out to the car….and just his weekend he did something we never thought he’d get back too…..jumping up onto the couch!  A major accomplishment…it is more comfy and also provides him a very defendable position to fend off Bailey attacks.