Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Iphone Photo Dump – August 2015



Tracking Kevin across Europe Part 1


Part 2


Mom asked for a photo when I picked him up from the airport after the epic trip….


Dogs after the trim….I guess I should wax poetic about Wiley.  For a dog who, literally, the vet asked “why haven’t you put him down yet?”, well, he is doing extremely well.   Long walks still have him limping around the next day….and he has to deal with Bailey’s attacks (she likes to gnaw on his ears).  But he is doing outstanding.


Bailey will sleep anywhere.  And the ottoman from the new couch seems like we bought it just for her….


Kevin, after arriving home from Europe.


Matthew and Johnny during the break between games in the August tournament.  I needed to go into this AV store for a SD card….they also sell mattresses so the boys checked out the selection.


While Suzanne was taking Kevin back to Boston the other half of the big tree in the back yard fell over.  Didn’t hear a sound.  Tress were down all over Okemos.


The dogs….waiting for me to get back.  Wiley will sit outside for hours when I’m gone.


Daphne – I’m sure I took this picture to send to Kevin


Holly, enjoying a sunbeam


There will be a whole ‘nother post on the revival of professional wrestling in this house.  Of note here is that Cpher and I share a size…so I’ve been stealing his WWE shirts and he is pissed off about that.  I like to refer to the shirt I have as the “Hit Early Hit Often” shirt.  Cpher doesn’t like that either.


More Kevin tracking


Holly worming her way up the couch for some petting


More dogs and sunbeams


A close-up of the dogs in front of the house from earlier

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

More football pics


Turns out the picture-taking Dad (as opposed to me, the video-making Dad) did get some shots from the Haslett game.

Cpher - HaslettFB01 - 2015

Cpher - HaslettFB02 - 2015

Cpher - HaslettFB03 - 2015

Cpher - HaslettFB04 - 2015

Of note is the wrap on Cpher’s left arm; that scrape/scab took a long long time to heal. 

Cpher - HaslettFB05 - 2015

Love this picture.  He’s shoved his guy way back into the middle fo the field and the running back is coming through a hole the size of China.

Matthew Fall Soccer 2015


Another long recap of a season.

One youth coach that Matthew did some training sessions with has been quotes as saying the perfect tournament is 1 win, 1 loss, and 1 tie.  I think this is great in practice…..if all the teams you are facing are about the same as you then ok.  If they are all better than you then that result is really good.  But, if the teams stink…that result stinks to.

We finished the fall season with 3 wins, 3 ties, and 3 losses.  That’s good, in many ways, since it is the first time we’ve played up in that division and the result means a) we will be in the same division this spring and b) certainly showed we belong.

New Picture

New Picture (1)

The bad news?  We should have done better.

Games 1 and 2:  PSG and Troy.  A 0-0 and 1-1 tie.  Both games should have been wins…we certainly dominated possession but, as is the norm for this team, didn’t. 

I think the Troy game was the one where we missed more of the chances….they were certainly on their heels the whole time but we just couldn’t get it done.  Matthew missed both of these games because of injury (I’ll do a whole post on *that* later)

Game 3:  Force.  Beat a bad team handily, 3-1.  The last of the games that Matthew missed….we were in Marquette eating dinner as we received text updates about this game.

Game 4:  The big grudge magtch against Matthew’s former team.  He only plays about 10 minutes in each half since he is just coming back from his injury.   And it is so so obvious that they want this game more than us….from the way their ass-hat of a coach screams throughout and how the other team reacts to that.  We lose 2-1.

Chicago Tournament:  Go 1-2 against some really good competition.  Beat the team from Michigan we should have beaten, lose 2-0 to a really good Chicago team and then lose 1-0 to a team from Wisconsin because we are stupid and give up a goal 20 seconds in.   But just playing that team from Wisconsin even for so long is a good thing…

Game 5:  Again beat up on a team that we should beat up on, 4-1. 

Game 6:  Not entered correctly in the image above, we win 2-0.  A nice win against a team that had a bunch of their high schoolers back.

Game 7:  Lost 1-0.  We had our chances but I’ll say this was a game we deserved to be on the losing end of.  Had a great chance to tie it late though.

Game 8:  Tie 1-1.  Dominated this game and gave up a goal late to let them have the tie.  A good result nonetheless.

Game 9:  Lost 3-2.  We were winning 2-0.  We were winning 2-1 with 5 minutes to go.  And then we choked, like dogs, and lost 3-2.  Might have had a really bad offsides call go against us too but still….

Matthew scores his only goal of the year in this game.

So, from a team perspective, a good, but certainly not great year with lots of room for improvement.

From a Matthew perspective….it was going great until the injury.  And then he spent the rest of the fall trying to get back to where he was before the injury.  Might have gotten close in that last game. 

Videos?  They are all out at the youtube channel. 

One last try….


Pulled out the defibrillator; will make one more attempt to keep this blog moving forward.  Will try to play catch up (again) and try and mix in some new stuff for the next few weeks.

Let’s start with finishing up Cpher’s football season.  Last time…oh my god, I only talked about one of the nine games.  Well, I guess there is a lot to post here then! 

Game 2:  Ann Arbor Skyline.  Won 32-12. 

My recollections of how the season went aren’t quite as fresh as they were back in September, heck, this game was in August.  But I think Cpher’s season is easily divided into three sections (wins, and then losses, and then wins) and this game certainly was in the first part of that.  He played a lot on both sides of the well and did more than fine.  Figured I’d go back and see what texts I sent Suzanne during the game (I think she was late and then she sits in the stands while I tape in the press box).

“A (pretty obvious) holding penalty on Cpher”

“Played every snap until they took him out for two plays (at the end of the half).  Get that kid whatever he wants (for dinner) after this game…..”

“I think Cpher got absolutely mugged trying to get to that guy.  Will want to see the tape”  Suzanne – “Matthew thought he was held”











Game 3:  Everett.  Lost 32-10.  We made so many mistakes; I really don’t think we should have lost this game!

“(They scored on the first) Kickoff Return.  Shitty tackling.”

“The tackling by our skill players is so shitty today’

“Ugh.  Cpher back to hitting and disengaging too….” 

“But our play calling is horrid.  And tackling is worse.”

“26-0.  QB gifts them an INT TD.  32-8.  Can’t tackle…another broken tackle TD”

“32-10.  Safety.  Cpher on kick return?? (typically, Cpher is not seen on kickoffs but we ended up with so many kids out as this game went on that he had to go out and do it”





Cpher getting absolutely crushed by these two guys almost after the play.  He was focused on the ball carrier; they were focused on getting him.  Probably could have been a penalty.




Game 4:  Grand Ledge.  They are one of the best youth football programs in the area.  They had 60+ kids on the freshman team.  We have 22.  It was the ugliest game of the year.  Lost 43-14.

“Ugh”.  Suzanne – “Yeah, not fun”

“I hope Cpher wasn’t supposed to block him”


“Glad the trainer was around.  So stupid” (Cpher had a scrape on his arm that had the scab bust open during the game and he had to come out.  He was out for a while because the trainer was gone with all of the wraps.)

“We are winning the second half 6-2!”  “TD + 2 points.  14-2!”

“14-10”.   We were doing well enough in the 2nd half that GL, who were winning 35-0 at the half and put in an entire second team(!) in the second half, decided to throw the starters in for 2 series.  They stopped us on offense and scored very quickly and the 2nd team came back out.  

Cpher again, and for the last time for a while, played almost all of the game on offense and defense.  GL had enough big lineman that they didn’t have anyone play both offense or defense; that’s a big disadvantage for Cpher and the rest of the boys.

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB01 - 2015

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB02 - 2015

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB03 - 2015

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB04 - 2015

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB05 - 2015

This, and the next photos, are the best photos that I have of Cpher making a tackle this year.

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB06 - 2015

Cpher - GrandLedgeFB07 - 2015

Game 5:  Haslett.   Lost 26-14.  This is where things started to go downhill.

“Cpher not starting on D(efense)”

“Never went in.  Sean had more snaps than Cpher.  Wonder what happened?”

“Can’t wait to hear why he isn’t on D anymore”

“(The team) Still can’t tackle.  M missed a tackle that led to first TD; C missed QB for big gain on this drive.  Sigh”

Suzanne – “Cpher said coaches thought this would be an easy win”  Me – “They are idiots.  We have never beaten Haslett in youth football (with this group”  Suzanne – “Said they were in a lower division”. Me – “They are idiots.  We should be competitive though”

“He is not blocking well.  Not happy.”

“Did a nice job against that double team there.”

“And there”

“Have a hard time seeing this (game…and benching) convincing Cpher to play next year.”  Suzanne – “Yep”

“Cpher got beat badly there.  Oy.”

“Every time they run that off tackle run on Cpher’s side:  an easy 4+ yards”

No pictures from this game.  So, about the benching.  The defensive coach has been getting on Cpher for being “too high” or maybe better said “not staying low”.  When you are his size this is more difficult than for others and more obvious when you aren’t.  My main disagreement was the benching….they didn’t do that for anyone else this year (except for disciplinary reasons).  And the kids they put out there weren’t any better AND DIDN’T STAY LOW EITHER. 


Game 6:  Jackson.  Lost 36-8

“Jackson 14-0.  4 minutes to go in the first quarter”

“22-0.  Cpher doing a crappy job of staying low on D”

“30-0.  11:52 to go in second quarter”.  Suzanne – “Ugh…not good for our defense”.  Me – “No.  Lots of missed tackles.  Again.”

Suzanne - “Can’t believe Cpher not getting low after all the talk about it.”  Me – “It has been better in the last five minutes.  I may have been hasty in that….”

“(Starting Defensive Line) all on bench on D”.  Suzanne – “Do they really have better players to put out there?” Me – “No.  I think we are playing scrubs now.”

Cpher - JacksonFB01 - 2015

Cpher - JacksonFB02 - 2015

Cpher - JacksonFB03 - 2015

Cpher - JacksonFB04 - 2015

Game 7:  Holt.  After losing three straight I’m thinking we are going to have a tough time against another community that is traditionally good at football.  I am completely wrong.  We kill them, 44-14.  Sadly, the punishment continues for Cpher for the first half on defense…he plays, but it is very limited.

Suzanne – “How’s it going?  Been working the entire time.”  Me – “We are winning 24-0.  Not a typo”.  Suzanne – “Wow.  Good for them!”  Me – “9 to go in 2nd quarter.  Also not a typo!”

“36-0.  Half”

“End of 3.  36-8.  I will not tell you about Cpher…..”    Cpher has complained that I tell Suzanne about how he is doing when he wants to do it after.  I don’t remember what he did here in the third quarter that made me say this.  I will rewatch the highlights.

Ok.  That’s right.  He had a big sack that was almost a safety…they were on the 10 and Cpher just blew by his guy and hit the qb at the 1….and the qb’s knee went down on the half-yard line.

Cpher - HoltFB01 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB02 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB03 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB04 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB05 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB06 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB07 - 2015

Cpher - HoltFB08 - 2015

Game 8:  Eastern.  We win 32-18. 

“Cpher needs to stay low”

“But he is KILLING it on offense.   They should run every play behind him….it is 4 yards minimum”

Suzanne – “Nice drive!”

Again, no pictures.

Game 9:  East Lansing.   Win this game and finish over .500.  The big rivalry game. 

And we win 44-12.  Turns out this crew is the only team, either at the HS or in youth football, to finish above .500 this year. 

There are no texts here to talk about.  Probably Cpher’s best game of the year; there were some huge TD runs on that off-tackle play that he had been dominating at all year.  He made some big stops on defense too.  This is the first game that the guy lined up against him decided to be pissy and do a lot of extracurricular stuff….Cpher just kept blowing him 5 yards off of the line of scrimmage all during it.

Cpher - EastLansingFB01 - 2015

Cpher - EastLansingFB02 - 2015

Cpher - EastLansingFB03 - 2015

Cpher - EastLansingFB04 - 2015

Cpher - EastLansingFB05 - 2015

Cpher - EastLansingFB06 - 2015

Cpher - EastLansingFB07 - 2015