School: Non-existent at this point….he’s out doing his first Co-Op. Still lives on campus….after having the roommate from ‘meh’ in the Fall (the guy slept 90% of the time) he has no roommate right now. So that’s awesome.
Job #1: The co-op is through the US Commercial Service; 9-5 Monday through Thursday through mid-June. What’s the Commercial Service you ask?
“The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. U.S. Commercial Service trade professionals in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 75 countries help U.S. companies get started in exporting or increase sales to new global markets.”
I’ll have to quiz Kevin for some more details on his work so far……just haven’t really asked. I have the impression the position is more than copy-making and coffee-fetching but couldn’t tell much more than that.
One benefit of the position is that he has an office; a nice office with a view.
Takes the Metro in and home from work everday.
Job #2: After some prodding from Mom and Dad (who understand that he needs this unpaid position but aren’t the most thrilled about it…especially since he’s forbidden by rule to move off campus and lower costs) Kevin has picked up a part-time job at a movie theatre. This is good in more than a few ways…..he now has some income, it fills up some of his free time, and it allows him to see a whole lot of movies. Kevin has only been working about a week at this point…..and Mom and Dad could make the point that he might be overdoing it right now (Kevin felt the had to take a lot of hours to get the job). Seems like the second week of scheduling is better than the first (two weekend days and one weekday night). And if he works 20-24 hours a week on the high end I think that will be good enough.
Not a lot of snow in Boston this year……although he did report getting a little frostbite while walking home from the theatre at 1 am. Of course, Mom warned him how cold it would be and highly suggested taking an Uber….but he didn’t listen.
The Rest of 2016: He’ll work through June. He’ll come on vacation with us. Then he will go to Auckland New Zealand to study abroad through November (Kevin will be taking classes towards his Economic major). Then he’ll meet up with us in December for our trip to Hawaii….we’ll see if he hangs out in SE Asia in the downtime or comes home. And then hopefully off for an international co-op in January of 2017.
So How is School Going?: Had his best semester yet in the Fall…..has made Dean’s List every semester.