Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spring Cleaning


A big day of cleaning today; but Cpher, in amongst the stuff we did today, stumbled across some old photos that provided some amusement.


Because Cpher thought that this was him, and was really confused by these pictures.  But, not so much.  This is Kevin.


And these pictures were taken a long time ago.  A Spirit and an Accord in the garage.  Trees and bushes on either side of the garage that have died and been ripped out.  Dad with glasses!

Cpher was very confused by this photo; where did those cars come from?  I’ve never seen them!  


Man things are a lot different.  I don’t miss any of those bushes out front, but, I do miss that tree that’s barely visible on the right every day.


Enough snow!  The tulips are out and are looking awesome!