*Not* listed in Coming Attractions because I forgot…but I had done all of the groundwork to make this post and just didn’t finish it up.
I’ve told Kevin that a priority (for me at least) is to be able to get recordings of the NUSO concerts he participates in. I think audio is a certainty….not so sure about video and really would be happy with just the audio; I convert all of my video to audio anyway.
Click on the pictures below to see the different videos from the final concert at OHS in May 2014.
One of the features of the last concert is the Senior Collage….each senior gets a baby picture and then his or her senior picture. Kevin appears at about the 2 minute mark. The audio sucks…this is bad and good….bad, because it is very hard to hear the songs they’ve chosen to accompany the pictures and good because you can hear the crowd reaction. Cute baby pictures get good responses and not surprisingly, popular kids get good responses.
The video for this concert? Does pretty well on the screen time….maybe not so much during the last Chamber Orchestra piece, the Finale (Russian Theme) from the Serenade for Strings by Tchaikovsky, but, you see a lot of him in the Philharmonic selections.
Have to say….really happy with the selection that Kevin’s orchestra ended his ‘career’ on, the fourth movement from Dvorak’s 9th “From The New World”. Might only be topped by what Cpher’s 7th grade orchestra ended on (that’s for another post!).
And the traditional ending, “Nimrod” from Elgar’s Enigma Variations. Traditionally, the parents stand behind their kids, but, the new director wasn’t big on that idea and tried to not have the parents on stage at all. The compromise was on stage, but, not positioned where it would affect the musicians. Bah.
Coming Attractions 2: Things I forgot in the last post and want to remember for later:
Cpher’s Final Concert (still not thrilled that he is stopping playing String Bass to take French)
Kevin’s Yearbook
Iphone Photo Dump
Instagram Postings