Christopher, when the choices for 8th grade electives came ‘round last spring, said he wanted to give up string bass to start taking a language. I was disappointed (I’m still disappointed!) in this….but I understand it; I think Cpher knows that he’s not the best string player. And even though I think he liked jazz ensemble at the end of the year-of-jazz he certainly complained up a storm about practices and concerts as they happened.
So, even though it was obvious that if I pushed he would have stayed in, he let it go. There are bigger battles to fight (most of those revolve around athletics and body shape).
Cpher has chosen French as his language of choice. The only reason given was “Aunt Melanie teaches it”. We figured there had to be somebody taking French that he wanted to be in the same class with but that has proven to be off the mark.
Anyway, you can see the last concert by clicking below. The last piece of the concert, well, that was pretty cool with the guest drummer. Always a sucker for that song. Starts at about the 15:50 mark of the video.