Wiley Update: Not good, definitely a downturn here recently. Have agreed with Suzanne that we won’t be increasing the meds…if he continues to get worse then that’s the way it is going to be and we’ll do what we have to do. Am ‘babying’ him a bit more; have picked him up and put him on the couch so that he can sit next to us for example.
Fitness: So, it is the third week of September? How did the boys do?
Well, Matthew’s height seems to have stalled at around 62 inches (he’s building up to a big spurt? he’s been 62” inches for forever it seams). But after cresting at 120 lbs in June he is down to 113 as school starts.
Christopher is about an 1/2 inch shy of 6 ft right now. And after hitting 202 at the physical he made it all the way down to 193 right before we went to Boston. He’s at 196 now.
The best thing has been the effect that running, not so seriously through the summer (every other day at best) and now every day Monday through Thursday, has had. Christopher has actually uttered the words I, Like, and Running in that order in a sentence and has commented recently that running doesn’t seem as hard as it used to be. Matthew certainly has noticed the difference in how he feels and reacts on the soccer field.
So, the first meet of the year was rained out. The second meet was at home, over at Kinawa. Took the boys over on Sunday to run the course at their own pace.
Got this, and the next, picture as they ran back from their warm-up. The only time they are together, other than the beginning of the race, on the course.
You would think that a school district that charges a small fortune as an athletic fee ($260/year) would have a nicer uniform than a $5 t-shirt and shorts you bring from home.
Lining up at the start. All the boys first, girls later. Matthew lined up with many of his friends there in front…Cpher doesn’t have any close friends on the team, so, that’s been a bit of an issue.
Off they go!
Didn’t walk any of it. And this time, as I’ve told him repeatedly, doesn’t matter except to give him a measure of how he is doing (and our course isn’t the best measure compared to others because we are one of the more ‘hilly’ courses in the area). Finished in 19:02.
Not sure what to think of this boy’s outing….again, time is irrelevant, the whole deal here is fitness (and, as I told him, he is collateral damage in my big push to get Cpher to do it). And as I said above, he has really noticed in soccer how much faster and fit he is. This picture is interesting because there is nobody around….and I will track this better next time but…..
I believe he has caught these three as the race went on. And as they neared the finish and were encouraged by the parents to sprint it in….
he was the only one of the four to really kick it up a gear and easily made it to the line first (in this group). 15:37….nowhere near the family 2-mile record of 13:02 that Kevin put up….but Kevin did that late in 8th grade….Matthew’s got a shot at it I think.