We’ve gone on whale-watching cruises in Alaska, Washington, California, and Hawaii. We’ve pretty much agreed; this trip in Massachusetts might have been the best!
Why? Well, there were lots and lots of whales, and that’s always a good thing. But, in marked contrast to Hawaii, when the whales were close by, the operators here didn’t seem to have any, um, qualms, about firing up the engines and chasing after them. In Hawaii, it was repeatedly, no engines with 100 yards, and so, encounters were at a distance and if you were lucky and the whales were heading toward you, great, but, if not, tough luck.
That being said, we’ve NEVER had whales head toward the boat like they did at one point on this trip. And that video is totally awesome! So, if you don’t normally click on video on this site, you really should watch the first one. It’s only a minute, and you can see the people on the boat in the last twenty or thirty seconds to provide some contrast. Click on any of the pictures to see the video.
By the way, those are not my kids ooh’ing and aah-ing…they know better! Glad that boy was having fun, but, come on, really??
(the videos are presented here in chronological order….except this first one, because it is so awesome! And you can see another whale spout out in the distance as these three cruise in towards us!)
(Yeah, that’s three whales in one screen-shot! With people in the foreground for contrast too!)
(a whole lot of whale tails on this trip!)
(on any other trip this video would be the best we have….here it is almost the worst of the ones I chose to save because the whales are moving towards the boat and I have to track them towards the people…I was standing on the second deck in the very front)
(after trailing those 3 whales for a while we moved off and checked out these two. Just a ton of whale out here today!)