Monday, July 4, 2011

Amsterdam – Day Two (Canal Tour and Van Gogh Museum)

The Morning:  The initial plan was to get up at 5:30 am and go to Bruges…..instead, we got up and discovered that Suzanne was way under the weather (so much so that we were trying to figure out where we might go see a doctor).  After an hour or two of indecision and an attempt at breakfast, we decided to head back to the room and see if sleep would help.

We both slept to 2:30 in the afternoon.  And Suzanne did feel about a thousand percent better…..


Passed this fountain on the way south to the attractions of the day


This is a view west near where we hopped on to the boat for the canal tour

Canal Tour:  So, we began our walk south to, eventually, end up at the Van Gogh museum.  The first stop was a canal tour (some start near the train station to the north, some up here near the museums; Suzanne had read that these were better.  I guess the only downside was that this company (Blue Boat) had limited outdoor seating; we would have preferred to be outside instead of under a glass canopy….

A lot of photos below.


Many of these photos are similar…..really, how many different views of buildings and bridges can you get from the canal?



But, here are two pictures of the Westerkerk, the Protestant church which has the tallest church tower in Amsterdam


Didn’t have a picture of it yesterday, but, the Anne Frank house is the the one in the middle, just to the left of the flagpole





The Church of Saint Nicholas in the distance; a Roman Catholic church built in the 1800’s


Suzanne wanted a picture of this houseboat, note the flowers, and the scarecrow(?) on the small boat in the chair on the left


I think this is/was a lighthouse, but, can’t seem to find the internet backup to definitively say it.  Like too many of my pictures this trip, the sun is squarely in the background…. (edit; just found it, it was a tower build for the defense of the city in the 1500’s)



Van Gogh Museum:  No pictures here.  Suzanne and I both really enjoyed the museum; we paid for the audio tour and the information was pretty good (we found that I listen to more of the audio than Suzanne…she was always waiting for me as we went from room to room.   Finished up here around 7 pm I think, made our way to a Pannekoekenhuis for dinner; Suzanne did have the pancake (with bacon), I had the schnitzel.

After dinner a slow walk back to the hotel, via the Red Light district.


No pictures of the main attractions of the RLD, but, this building is something….and I just can’t remember right now.  Will google-stalk and edit this later I guess….


I guess I should have, but didn’t really notice, that we are way north, further north than Lansing.  This picture is certainly past 9 pm (and I know, from last night, that sunset isn’t until almost 10).