Saturday, July 9, 2011

A little extra instruction

We made the decision about a month ago to enroll Christopher in some private basketball lessons.  Because he is so big, his role on the court is chosen for him even before he hits the floor (get to the middle, get the rebounds, and, this is a quote from the coach last year “I don’t care how you get the ball back up there, but, get the ball back up there”).  So, like many big guys, he doesn’t have the ball skills or shooting form that many of the other players have.

This exact problem showed up last year at tryouts; by the end of the year, it was obvious that Cpher was one of the three or four best players on his team.  At the tryouts though, he was ranked next to last, out of the twenty kids who tried out.

So, we asked around a bit, and the unanimous recommendation was to go with Coach V.

New Picture (7)

Christopher sees him for an hour each week.  It has been completely amazing to watch Christopher take to these lessons; he’s coming home and practicing dribbling and every drill that Coach V has been teaching him.  Most lessons, to date, have centered on the fundamentals, dribbling, footwork, and shooting.  It’s been great to see Christopher start shooting the ball like he’s supposed to be shooting the ball.  Coach V has taught him this one drill, juggling, where he’s dribbling two balls at once in a ‘v’ motion….and he’s practiced, and practiced, and practiced this.  Last week we went back for the lesson and Coach V asked him to do it and looked over at me as Cpher is just doing this over and over and asks “Has he been practicing?” in this amazed tone…..


Christopher at the end of the latest lesson; he’s finally getting to shoot with Coach V’s special ball return device….he was pretty tired at the end of it, shooting shot after shot after shot.

Hopefully, this all pays off as we move into the fall and basketball season, but, even just for the increase in confidence, which is so very apparent even now.