There are a lot of good photos; just going to break it into two posts to keep the size down. Not much commentary below, just pictures. Two thirds of the pictures are from the dress rehearsal; the rest (that will be in the next post) are posed shots from the individual scenes….
Last weekend, Kevin (and the orchestra) went to Chicago to listen to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and well, just hang out. It was Chicago, in winter, so, of course it was cold. Mom asked if he was taking a hat, and Kevin replied “Yeah, I’m taking my Pete hat”…..
The robe is not a OHS provided prop, it has come from home.
Not sure if the glasses came from home too; I wonder about that, if he is wearing his glasses over his contacts that would certainly lead to some serious blurriness. Will have to ask him about it…..
With Emily and Kevin in the picture this seems like a good time to provide a spring season Quiz Bowl update. Playoffs are on Wednesday, the varsity team is still undefeated.