Sunday, February 24, 2013

Fric and Frac


A few knicks and knacks from Fric and Frac to talk about here.  Mostly Fric…



Cpher’s second text, in gray, is the discussion point here. 

One of Cpher’s gifts for his birthday was a new phone.  He very promptly capitalized on the new unlimited text thing and started trading texts with, well, Mom says it best…

New Picture (12)

He had sent that gray text I was talking about to Mom and Dad; that was the ‘clincher’ that after a day of back and forth that he liked her and she liked him….

I’d bet, easily, that they have sent at least 2,000 texts to each other in the last three weeks.  She came to one performance of Almost; they said ‘hi’ but didn’t really interact….both would prefer to avoid embarrassment at school. 

Of course, this means that Valentine’s Day would be a little different this year….




New Picture (13)

We have to, *have to*, beat the bus to her house to drop off the bag.  Dad gets in the car line (I arrive 45 minutes early, I’m still third…what do these other people have, no lives?  or were they doing the same thing?); Matthew knows to be out of school ASAP and we are off.  Drive to her house, Cpher dashes off, drops bad with card, dragon, and chocolate at the front door, and we dash home.  

As of today, texting still continues in full swing…..some minor embarrassments at school but nothing too major.

The other Cpher news is that since I was home I was able to take him to the movies; he has been dying to see one movie in particular, and has specifically asked to go for his birthday.

So, we went Friday.  Had some trepidation about the ‘R’ rating; but, the whole family has been watching Walking Dead recently…this movie was nothing on that! 

It was OK.  It was not good, and it was not bad, just OK.

Cpher also asked to adopt one of the wolves at Potter Park Zoo for his birthday; so, we did.  After the movie, on a cold winter day in mid-Michigan, we did just that. 


Let’s be honest; it doesn’t take long to walk completely through this zoo….A cold day like that Friday means a few things.  1)  There aren’t many people there  and 2) The people that are there aren’t lingering….

Surprisingly, to me at least, some of the big cats were outside…


Of course the penguins were out…


There were some unusually good photo opportunities of the cats inside today….



And we walked by the wolves twice……because well, we had to.

Last Fric item:  getting very close to passing Mom and Dad for the title of 2nd tallest in the family…



Yeah, neither Fric nor Frac.  But wanted to put this in here somewhere….


We had talked about going, as a family (minus Kevin), to Chicago the same weekend that Kevin and the orchestra went….bailed out of that after a careful reexamination of weather and costs.  Matthew has asked, if we didn’t go, if we could take him snowboarding.

So, on Sunday (after Kevin was back), the three of us trudged down to Mt. Brighton.  Props to Kevin, he went and did everything with his little brother (I think he is now beginning to realize having another snow-sport fanatic in the family means more time on the slopes for him).

The boys are in that picture above.  If you look at the exact center and go just to the left you will see the two of them.

Am completely impressed by Kevin’s skiing….he is very good.  Matthew looks very good on the snowboard as well…..probably not ready for the big hill behind them but they took that lift there to the top and came down to the right of it on what I guess is the 2nd biggest hill out there with no problems…


But it was windy and cold, and Matthew had some rosy cheeks.  He has asked for the same type of headgear that Kevin has for the future….