Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Alma and Grand Haven


Got a whole lot of photos from events of the last two weeks that I haven’t talked about…


The first is Matthew’s trip to the 3-day, 2-night soccer camp in Alma.  Gets to stay in the dorms!


And they were stupid hot!  Three of the hottest days of the year for the camp too…so that stinks.


But there is Matthew and five of his ( T ) buddies (two are now ( C ) players, not surprisingly, they got chosen to room together.  The camp is run by ( T ) coach Jeff; the new coach of Matthew’s former team.  So, we had some trepidation about Matthew going up here but really, what the heck was going to happen?

Matthew is here in Nick and Henry’s room hanging out with them…

And Matthew had a great time.  Suzanne and I were not as thrilled….there were 9 boys total….and about 100 girls between the youth camp and the high school camp.  Even in just the youth camp it was about a 4:1 ratio of girls to boys…..not what we were expecting.  Camp didn’t seem the most well organized either….Matthew said, for example, that water was hard to get at the fields (they had water at the fields, but, where they put the coolers was way away from where the youth kids were).


Alma College is small; 1,000 undergrads total maybe?  This is the view from the dorm room


Matthew also got this nasty bruise there; he says it happened accidentally during play…nothing malicious about it.  But it is quite a bruise. 


As noted earlier, we made it out to Grand Haven Friday afternoon for some beach time….this picture is from that sunny afternoon on the sand….


Wandered into downtown GH for dinner, this art (‘The Lonely Pedestrian’ I think?) was kind of cool.  Dinner was notable for Suzanne encouraging me to have a Long Beach Iced Tea with her….and me feeling about as tipsy as I’ve ever been from drinking something.  Suzanne and the boys both had a lot of fun at my expense.  I did not have a second……


Looking upstream along the Grand River….


Looking downstream….


The Panorama looking both ways….


Two boys watching the sunset…the plan was to walk around and then watch the Musical Fountain show at 10:10 pm.  The show was good…..I mean, they say the only one bigger is the Bellagio in Vegas, and while this wasn’t that, it was pretty cool.


That big kid there had a tough weekend….Wednesday and Thursday he was doing some weeding around the house and made it into some poison ivy….and didn’t really know he was in it until late Thursday.  So, he had it on his hands, and everywhere his hands touched, and it was hot those days, so, up near his eyes where he must have been touching because he was sweaty there was a lot of swelling….looked like he had gone 12 rounds in the ring!


He measured 6’-1” when we finally made it to urgent care on Monday to pick up some steroids. Was a double header there at the clinic…Matthew’s pinky finger was ‘damaged’ on the trampoline (Fric sat(!) on Frac’s hand) and since the swelling hadn’t gone away and he yelped when you touch it, I dragged him in too.  Of course, he has a small fracture in the finger that had already started to heal quite nicely.