It’s taken seven years, but, something I have worried about for a long time with this blog has happened. Someone within a 10-mile radius of Casa de Graystone has become the most common visitor to the blog!
You can actually see a trace of it while you’re looking at this post. Scroll down and look over on the right…you’ll see the list of popular posts.
Normally, around this quiet portion of the internet, the visitors are few and family-related. That makes whatever I have posted most recently a very likely candidate to show up on the Popular Post list. But over the last month, the blog tracking bot says the most common visitor isn’t family, it’s a new IP address. That person hits the blog by hitting that Quizzing The Year Away page. A cursory examination of the IP address (I don’t pay for the full version which would give me the whole number, I only get the first three numbers of the four number address) shows that yup, it’s a comcast address from mid-michigan.
So welcome new visitor!