The final episodes are finally airing! Click on the picture to go to the video….
Quick Ten: Another state capital answer; Albany. And then he buzzed in earlier and puzzled his way to the right answer of the River Thames. Up 80 to 20.
Toss-Up 1: Kevin knew all of the poets from the first toss-up. Had to laugh at the math question; everyone but Kevin goes for the button when they hear ‘Mersenne’….winning 160-70.
Pop Quiz 1: R-O-S. Kevin knows the explorer Ross, knows the sled is Rosebud (I was surprised he got this). Did not get Rosenberg. Winning 240-90.
Toss-Up 2: Nothing going on here….we lost both toss-ups. Winning 240-130.
Toss-Up 3: Miss that pesky toss-up that leads to the video question again! I don’t think I noticed at the time that they had closed to within 60 points….but we win the next three toss-ups and pull ahead. The second toss-up is one of the highlights of this show, Kevin gets his chance at obscure Caribbean capitals. Kevin almost pulls the sweep here but messes up the saints for Grenada. Couldn’t believe they didn’t know Watership Down though! Winning 300-180.
Pop Quiz 2: R-O-O. Kevin was waiting for ‘rook’ and jumped all over that. The highlight of the show is next…Kevin pulls out ‘Rooney’, probably through osmosis or some other genetic pass-through and saves himself an endless amount of abuse. Kevin’s facial expressions during this question are priceless and well worth a second viewing. Missed ‘root’. Winning 370-230.
Toss-Up 4: Picked the wrong Bolivia capital to bomb out of the first toss-up. Did well on the Italian questions, missed the last one. Watching those other three kids crash the buzzer on the science question is pretty fun. Hard for me to tell watching it if Kevin knew the Greek questions. Winning 460-230.
Lightning Round: Ravi has another spectularly wrong answer (girls instead of boys for snips and snails and puppy dog tails) that gets you a lot of kidding after the show is over. Kevin gets albatross but is pretty quiet through here, we win 520-260.
The next show is the Green Division Final….and the day of the car accident!