Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back To School

The work-at-home thing has been good, but, man, it’s been tough this summer trying to get stuff done and shuttle boys here and there and, most of all, have them keep their activities to a dull roar while I’m working and especially while I’m on calls.

So, hooray, today is the first day of school!

Matthew:  Last year at Bennett Woods; he’s the big man on campus.  Doing the safety thing, so, he has to be there thirty minutes early to keep the little kids safe and wave the parents through the drop-off line.  First time he has a teacher that no other boy has had before either…..

On Friday in Michigan we had a heat advisory; today they are talking frost advisory, so, the boys are decked out in shorts and sweatshirts.


Christopher:  Going where no boy has gone before, Kinawa.  Kevin never attended that school and only the recent reorganizations have moved Christopher there for 5th and 6th grade.  We missed all of the orientation activities; missed any chance to have Cpher go over and walk around, so, we looked at a map of the school and headed off to the bus this morning.  I think that he’ll take the bus in the mornings (there are only four more stops before the bus gets to the school) but, he’ll get picked up in the afternoon most days (since if he takes the bus it will take almost an hour to get home with all of the other stops….)

Suzanne and I are more than a little curious on how today will go for him; there’s a whole lot of ‘new’ today for the big guy….


Kevin:  Not much to report here…..sophomore days at the high school.  He had two books to read for AP World History; he’s completed those (with only a moderate amount of nudging from his parents) and seems to be ready to go.  Don’t think that the class, even though it’s AP, is going to prove much of a challenge for geography-history boy.  Still have him signed up for the upper-math track, and Pre-calc honors will be the challenge this year.


Boys:  The usual day of school pictures…..


