Thursday, August 8, 2013

Iphone Photo Dump – Bright Paint Edition



2013-07-DetroitFC01     2013-07-DetroitFC02

Matthew and I, for the second straight year, ventured down to Detroit to see the minor-league soccer team play.  This time, we went for the playoffs, to watch the undefeated #1 seed Detroit FC team compete for the title.

Saturday they beat Cleveland 3-1 but lost 4-1 in the finals to Erie.  A few things to note:

1)  As always, the food trucks are, as Cpher would say, delish.

2)  The fans over there in the rowdy section….with the smoke bombs?  They are rowdy.  And crude.  For game 1 on Saturday we stood over near them along the fence…it was cooler there and we really couldn’t hear them.  Game 2 on Sunday we spend in the stands where these pictures are taken from….and you could hear everything.  Thought the Addams Family chant was particularly inspired….



Don’t take this dog on car rides nearly enough…..we left the van door open one day and he hopped in.  And wouldn’t get out for hours, just happy to be sitting in there with the windows down.  Chillin’.


We have moved on from Cpher’s room to Matthew’s room and the hall closet.  I certainly wish the builders of this house had been a little more consistent with some of the basic dimensions…..the hall closet, for example, is not as deep as the ones in Fric and Frac’s room.  So, we had to scrap the plans for three columns of storage units and just go with two rows…..


Matthew’s closet is the same dimension as Cpher’s BUT the door isn’t centered on the closet like it is in Cpher’s room.  So, Matthew has easier access to the clothes hangers on the right in the picture but the shelf and clothes hangar on the left are harder to get to (and almost too narrow).


Matthew gets his accent wall, sea green.  It is bright and may not be adequately shown here during the middle of the day how bright it is.  The choice was between Seattle Sounder green and Seattle Seahawk green for the accent wall….the Seahawk Green was darker so that’s what we went with.


Matthew, Henry, and Nick warming up before tryouts on Saturday morning.  Thought it was interesting to note that by day two Matthew was warming up with his new teammates instead of the old….