Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Break – Day 6: Belize

The second of the repeat stops.  Last time we hardly spent anytime inland; we quickly hopped on a plane and went to San Pedro.  This time we planned a more traditional stop….a drive inland to go cave tubing.

Weather:  The forecast was for a high of 90 and 100 percent humidity for a heat index of 102.  Didn’t really turn out that way…I think we were hot for maybe the last five to ten minutes of the hike to the spot we were going to put our tubes in at, but, besides that, it was a pretty good day.

Shore Excursions:  Should note here that there are two other soccer families on this cruise with us; one family is doing the shore excursions with us, one family is doing everything through the ship. 

Camera Status:  Did bring the GoPro (with the card) and there is some video that Matthew took that is great.  A lot of the video Matthew took is useless….he needs to learn that less camera movement is better most of the time.  This sequence though, that’s why that camera is all kinds of awesome

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(he’s a little crazy…click on the picture for the video)

He also catches Dad taking the plunge off of the rock into the river as well in that same video.


The start of the day is a nature hike from the parking lot to the put-in for the tubing….


…had to cross the river….pretty shallow.  Awfully clear…..


Thought it would be hot, muggy, and lots of bugs.  A little hot, but that was about it thankfully.


Walked inside a cave or two….


Saw some bats….boys happy to see them, Mom’s?  Not so much….


Lots of stalactites……


Had a good walk….


Was cranky.  Almost the whole way.  Wore his water shoes and they weren’t the best choice on the rocky trail (Dad had them on to…it was uncomfortable).  But he had his chance pre-trip to get shoes and gave Mom a lot of static about it and that was that….


Not moving that fast…..and very low at times.  The phase on the tubes was “Butts Up!”….scoot up or you would be dragging as they pulled you through the low spots!


Wildlife Stop #1 – a termite nest.  They are reportedly tasty….and this boy did taste them.  Described as slightly minty….



Went through two sets of caves on the trip….they were both pretty cool.


Boy with GoPro video in hand.  We will see if I get any more video processed and out here….


The entrance to the second set of caves…


Just inside the 2nd set of caves.

Oh yeah, one more video clip, click below.  Our private guide, unlike the other ship tours that just hustled on by, stopped multiple times to try and coax a tarantula out of its nest/hole…..of course, Cpher is there to give him a hand….

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