Friday, January 18, 2008

Stupid Technology

So first I convert all of my video files to a .mp4 format, and, once I get my new totally awesome software, I realize I have to convert them all back to .mpg files. This extra step causes me much consternation, but, eventually I get most of the video converted and create two dvd's.

So then I start using this wonder device

to upload old VHS tapes and create DVDs. At first, I have a crummy VCR, and the uploads skip all over (but the sound is always there). So, I get a new VCR, upload all the video again, create DVDs and I'm done. Begin uploading old video tape of Kevin that we have, am showing it to Suzanne and noticed that the sound cut out during one particularly cute scene of Kevin singing "Alouette" at the beach. Very strange, I thought.

Then I find out the real problem. No sound on the DVDs. Back to the drawing board...try my computer again, again, no sound on the uplaods. Resolve to try Suzanne's laptop (newer, but cursed with Vista as an OS). Suprisingly, because everything else hasn't worked on Vista, this has. Basketball game uploaded, sound all the way through. Trip down Transmountain uploaded...sound and commentary intact.
