Friday, August 8, 2014

Spring Hill 2014

Wiley Update #5:  It is not a good sign when the vet is wondering why you are not seriously considering putting the dog down within the first two minutes of your appointment.

While Wiley does the basics and is more ‘interactive’ with us now, there has been no improvement in the back and it seems like the ‘paralysis’?…who knows what the heck is going on…is creeping forward.  He walks with a stoop and, well, it’s not pretty.  Probably won’t make it through this month.  Lost 10 pounds since his last visit a month ago.  Would only take a very quick and simple downturn in the picture to make the decision come sooner than later.  As long as he is responsive (and he follows us around the house…a positive sign) and not a burden and we don’t think he is in pain, we are content to let him be for a while.


(asked the vet “Should we be taking him on walks?”…..she said, well, if he likes walks, yeah, go ahead, I don’t think anything at this point is going to hurt him more and he might regain some muscle mass.)

Spring Hill:  The boys headed north for their annual visit to Spring Hill with their good buddies Henry and Sam.  This might be the last year for Spring Hill for the boys

1)  This is the third year in a row, and while they had a blast (again) it is probably time to move on.

2)  I really want Cpher to play summer lacrosse next year.  That will make Spring Hill difficult, if not impossible (hey, does Cpher want to do summer lacrosse? like everything….he would prefer not to.  It is always a struggle pushing him and not pushing him to do things.  I surrendered on the String Bass….not sure I’m going to so easily give up on this point).

3)  For some reason, and I don’t think it was advertent, Henry’s best friend from school ended up at Spring Hill the same week, and so, ended up requesting the same cabin.  This was good for Henry, but, it was good that Sam and Christopher were there because Matthew said he felt very much like a third wheel all of a sudden. 

chris hutsell-4      chris hutsell-5

(these are the Camper Connect photos….we get an email per day with a picture and a “quote from your camper”.  I’m not copying the quotes…you can’t convince me the boys uttered them)

 christopher hutsell-1      christopher hutsell-2


 christopher hutsell-3      matthew hutsell-1

(the boys wore sweatshirts, because it protects them from paintball hits, but, also because it was pretty cold.  The summer version of the polar vortex hit this week and the lows were in the high 40’s)

 matthew hutsell-2      matthew hutsell-3

 matthew hutsell-4      matthew hutsell-5

The camp photographer took pictures as well.  There are more action shots here and there are two absolute classic photos in the bunch.  Happily, downloads are 99 cents.

MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Friday_MAK_-3397047492-O      MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Monday_MAK_-3386959140-O

(the photos have dates on them, but, didn’t seem to import in chronological order and I’m not fixing them at this point)

 MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Monday_MAK_-3386959216-O      MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Monday_MAK_-3386959409-O


 MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Monday_MAK_-3386963489-O      MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Monday_MAK_-3386964002-O

(if it isn’t crazy obvious by now…there was a big focus on paintball this week!)

 MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Sunday_MAK_-3383599336-O      MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Sunday_MAK_-3383599699-O

(the pictures from drop-off day)


(the first of the absolutely classic photos)

 MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Tuesday_MAK-3389517813-O      MI_Summer_2014_Wk6_Tuesday_MAK-3389517955-O



(absolutely classic photo #2)