Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Update

Kevin: Off at his last camp for the summer; this week he's up at Spring Hill, about 2 hours away. Unlike Blue Lake, Spring Hill posts pictures each day AND while not letting your camper email home, does deliver emails from you to him. So, Suzanne is sending him Olympic updates. He'll be back on Friday, and is running a 5k Saturday Morning. His fall semester is shaping up to be pretty full of events...he wants to try cross-country, wants to be a little more serious about tennis, and can't wait to find out what this year's musical is!

Pick Kevin up Friday afternoon....will be curious to hear what these pictures were all about!

Christopher: Was pretty emphatic this morning in relaying his opinion of this week's summer camp choice: a return to YMCA's Camp Pa-wa-pi. "This sucks." "Camp sucks." "We have to sing and sing here; it really sucks!" "The counselors are mean" "Did I mention that camp sucks?" But, surprise surprise, pick him and Matthew up off the bus and ask him how his day was, and he says "good!". After making sure aliens haven't abducted my son and left me with a clone, he says it really was a good day. Last time at camp, the evil mean counselors, for some reason, wouldn't agree that Christopher had passed the swimming test, so, he was confined to the shallow end (Matthew also didn't pass the first time, but, went back and completed it the next day.....I never did get the full story, but, apparently the problem was that the counselors were requiring a pretty good crawl technique...while the boys are perfectly comforable in deep water, they're crawl isn't the best) Today, Christopher did pass the test, and was pretty happy to relay that news to Mom on the phone on the way home.

Matthew: Still trying to become the human scab....we went almost a week without more damage, but this weekend has brought fresh wounds to the left knee and both elbows. Plays baseball with Ashton up the street, came home last night crowing that he had hit his first home run "over the green monster!". Enthralled by the Olympics.....we were watching the soccer and he said "I can do that"...watched the men's gymnastics and he wasn't so confident to say he could do that! We had taped the 4 x 100 relay, and he enjoyed watching the French getting their lesson about "le trash talk".