Sunday, August 3, 2008

End of Blue Lake Day Two

Journeyed back to Blue Lake today to take physical possession of our child and hear the Concert Orchestra's final performance.

Received two written evaluations of Kevin; one from his cabin counselor, one from his section leader. Both good, may scan the viola evaluation and put it up here later. Said something like "glad that Kevin's initial 1st day placement stayed the same after the auditions", had to quiz Kevin on this. Turns out, after the auditions on the first day, Kevin was the 2nd chair!

But, after 3 auditions during the week, they finalize the chairs....Kevin fell to 4th, the 1st chair fell to 5th, and the initial 6th chair moved up to 1st.

I think, and I think Kevin agrees, that his initial placement is because while he plays well for his age, he sight reads extremely well for his age, so, at first, he was perceived to be better, but, once everyone knew the piece that they were playing fairly well, he dropped back a bit, as technique and sound became more of a differentiator. The instructor said that it was close (and Kevin perceives no difference between himself, and the 3rd, or the 5th chair), but, that Kevin's staccatos and accents weren't.....what they should be. Not sure what that means, but, Kevin has a viola lesson on Wednesday, so, I'm hoping to understand this a little bit more after talking with his instructor.

Anyway, here's the 5 pieces the Orchestra performed. There are five of them, and none of them is longer than 5 minutes. Video somewhat unsteady at times (probably not worth watching, just listen); you can see Kevin clearly, but, the tripod was left at home, so, the camera is Dad-held throughout.

Overture to "Nabucco"

Night Beat

Cross Creek


Dance of the Tumblers