Monday, November 26, 2012

Tennis – Finale


For each sport, the local paper does an end-of-the-year summary; they name the Dream Team, All-Area, and All-League teams.  It always seems like we get hosed here, some of the smaller schools end up with more representatives even though we win any meet against these teams going away (and the closest match this year was a 6-2 win).

But, can’t really complain about how they did it this year.


So yeah, there’s that.  Named All-League.  Happy for Ashton that he’s named to the Dream Team in his senior year.  Ashton’s Dad and I were talking; he wondered why they didn’t do it by flight….but I understand what they’ve done here, the list is the best players in Mid-Michigan.  The CAAC showcase pretty much showed who the best team in each flight was (we went 6 for 8).

Had to ask why Ashton’s picture was so somber…turns out he snapped it off of his phone the day before publication!