Tuesday, June 4, 2013



My home office view is pretty awesome, I look out at the two backyards to the immediate north of the house and get some trains rolling by off in the distance very now and again (the trains are bad for phone calls though).

It has been a busy week or two on the wildlife front so I grabbed the camera and took a few shots as things wandered by….


I have, only once, seen a buck tromp through the back yard.  Not sure if this young one is male or female, but, it has been a frequent visitor the last few mornings….


Mamma Groundhog, I think, has had at least one pup this spring.  I think this one is of a size that the cats have no chance now.


Although this dog ran into one of them in the backyard and went absolutely crazy today!  Never heard her bark like that!


This bad-ass owns the terrain in easily a 3 yard radius from our house.  Can’t really count all the victims since I think the dogs help with clean-up duty. 

Photo: Look what Christopher Hutsell found in our hanging flower basket!

This is not the back-yard; this is the picture Suzanne posted on facebook last night.  We have hanging baskets out front; when I water them I usually put the hose on ‘soak’ and leave the nozzle up there for 25 seconds.  I haven’t watered recently.  Cpher takes the hanging baskets down, waters them with his watering can, and puts the basket back up.  And saw this nest and eggs!

I hope the bird comes back and finishes her job, but, I have some serious reservations about how things are going to go with that orange predator lurking above…