Thursday, December 31, 2009

Maui – Day 6 – Kaanapali

Kaanapali is where we are staying; we did not stray far from the Marriott today.

We did go and attempt some beach snorkeling up the road at Airport Beach this morning.  Had mixed success; Christopher never really tried, Matthew had some issues but seemed to be happy just tooling around with his goggles on.  Kevin, as always, had a great time, and both Suzanne and I made it out to the reef and saw a bunch of fish. 

This afternoon was pool time; took some video of the boys in the pool that basically sums up what goes on for hours at a time….will probably get that uploaded tomorrow.  Suzanne and I had a quiet dinner at the restaurant here while the boys swam, and the boys had pizza later.  Suzanne and I also got some alone time in the evening shopping up at Whaler’s Village while the boys watched some tv; we’re both happy that they are old enough to allow this now.


We had some battery/storage issues with the main camcorder late yesterday when we encountered the whales, but, Suzanne got some footage on her camera. 

Am slowly trying to edit and upload some of the footage from the last week; the trip to Iao Valley is done and Suzanne taped us at the Wailea beach (after I wiped out) and I taped the beautiful sunset.