Wednesday, August 7, 2013

From the Sports Desk – Kickoff Classic Preview


Soccer season starts with 3 games (a fourth if we do well) down in Northville.  First games with the new team, new uniform, new format….should be pretty exciting.

Am trying to temper my expectations though….haven’t seen the team in an 11v11 formation in any practice yet, so, wonder how exactly that is going to work.  I know we are going to be missing 3 kids, which means more playing time, and means my little center-mid will be playing a lot of center-back since one of those kids is going to not be there.  Not my/our preferred position for him, but, understand the move. 

Game 1:

New Picture (16)          New Picture (16)

It’s hard to predict how the teams will do and how our team will do since, well, every team at this age group is playing a new format and has had to add players to the roster to be able to play on the bigger fields.

But this is our first game Saturday afternoon and I think it will be the easiest of the the three.

Game 2:

New Picture (17)         New Picture (16)

A 7 pm start Saturday night….this game will most likely determine who advances from our bracket to the championship.  Matthew’s ( T ) team has played this team a bunch in the last two years…they are good and the parents are jerks.  ( C ) played them in the state cup last year and lost 2-0 in a game that everyone tells they played horrible in.  We’ll see I guess.  I think, from looking at their webpage, that they lost their 2  best players from last year. 

Game 3: 

New Picture (16)          New Picture (18)

That ‘DA” in each of the last two opponents names stands for the ‘select’ division that we are not in… I hope we are able to beat both of these teams!   Matthew, again, has played this team a bunch (he was completely awesome in the last game against this crowd, in the rain, last April).  They were a team that was good because of one player last year….I just can’t see them being any better this year and one of the more interesting things for me will be if that really good player is still with them. 

An early morning start, 8:45 am.  I predict a Cracker Barrel breakfast.  May have to devote time to a post just on that tradition.