Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The End of an Era


I had to go back and look in the blog archives…and I really can’t identify when exactly Christopher started seeing Mrs. Chapin.  I can see a post in September 2009, the start of third grade, discussing a disconnect between his testing scores and seeing that the school was going to be providing help, and that jives with our recollection that towards the end of third grade we started to seek out a tutor.

So, Spring of 2010 to the Summer of 2013.  Three plus years of mostly 2x a week visits that came to a conclusion last Monday.  Kind of sad….but happy for Cpher that he’s done a lot of hard work and seems to be where he needs to be.


In hindsight, I wish I had a picture for every time the ‘look’ of the front of the house changed…different wreath on the door, different landscaping…there have been a lot of changes here.  A lot of Cpher and Dad discussions on the way to and from this door too….will miss that car time.


Laurie and Cpher finishing up edits on a story Cpher wrote this summer….the story in it’s post-edited form will appear in a future post.


Cpher reading the card that Laurie got for him…




Laurie also gave Cpher a thesaurus, a dictionary, and a few books.  I’m beginning to suspect these might be presents to torture me!  More on this later….


Always a little bowl of snacks and a glass of water next to Cpher when I would come and pick him up.


Reading one of the books on the way home, 100 things about animals or something like that….one of the other books was an Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader….and that has led to a lot of “Dad, did you know…” and “Mom, did you know…” statements! 


He brought the thesaurus on the trip to Grand Rapids for the soccer tournament.  Took the book out to the games, and would look up words and then try to figure out whether he could use them or not.


See!  For example, I think he looked up ‘woman’ and was asking us about ‘matron’.  We advised him that not many women would care to be called matrons! 

We’ll see how language arts go this year….I need to put a call into Kinawa about that…we have the schedule of classes for next year and we have a question or two….maybe I will do that now!