Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christopher cuts loose

Set the boy loose with the Iphone camera/video device during last weeks football game; 180 pictures and 20 videos later he was done!  Finally went through with Christopher and weeded out the best of the day’s work.

2009-10-WileyCreek 2009-10-Wiley03 2009-10-Wiley02 2009-10-Wiley01 

The pictures had 3 main themes…this series features Wiley the Springer Spaniel.  Wiley is great around other people, and would do well at games, except that he’s just goes crazy-stupid-nuts around other dogs

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And then there’s Wiley and Kevin…..with Kevin stepping in at one point and taking a picture of Christopher with Wiley

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The plant series of pictures…..all taken on Kevin, Christopher, and Wiley’s journey to the woods behind the flag football fields


Last, but not least, Mom and Dad watching Matthew


And a random Christopher inside photo….Bacon….mmmmm

Christopher did take two videos that we deemed salvage-able.  Wiley shows his stuff and Dad does some video taping.