Previously, in these pages, we talked about the first two weeks of lacrosse. I’m guessing that went through mid-April and the season went all the way through the end of May. So, I have a lot of ground to cover and some videos to go with it.
Cpher: As I’m sure I alluded to months ago, the strength of our team was the goalie and defense and Cpher was the mainstay back there. The attacking kids would rush in and try and beat him with size and strength and invariably would end up taking the ball back outside under their control or ending up on their butts with Cpher having the ball under his control.
While he carried the ball upfield several times (and I do remember a few times where Suzanne and I would marvel at how fast he can go when he wants to….he is a load to deal with when he gets moving) he never scored; I’m not sure he had a legitimate shot on goal because of course the defense swarms this huge kid coming at them. But he had a heck of a season.
The highlight of the season occurred after the last game; the league, for the first time ever, had an all-star game and each community selected six kids….and Cpher was named from his team. He was a little intimidated at the first and only practice but did what he does in the actual game; held his own, stopped the other team, helped his offense to get going.
Video from the end of the year scrimmage.
I don't have video....wait, I do, on the iphone....from the end of the year tournament. This is the only game I have on tape...the rest of the tournament was either a) in the rain or b) cancelled. I'm going to get some of that iphone video up here; it rained cats and dogs for the last game on Saturday and it literally is no wonder they cancelled Sunday.
Matthew: There are a few things that have come clearly into focus for Mom and Dad about Matthew and lacrosse. 1) There is the lacrosse player that runs and will play defense with his stick and will swing his stick harder when mad and take stupid penalties. Matthew is not that kid. I think he is clearly the best defensive midfielder on either of the 7/8 teams…..he is going to dish out the punishment with body checks and always be in good position. 2) Matthew is going to have to really reconsider the soccer all-year thing in high school. He is very good at lacrosse, and playing with the team in High School would be a great experience. His brand of physicality really shows through in lax.
This video might be the highlight of the year for Matthew and for anyone who saw him. In the second half he tried to push this kid out of bounds and misses...and slips. And the next two minutes after that saw him lay out two Howell kids on clean body checks (clean meaning the refs didn't call a penalty).