Monday, August 31, 2015

Up North Part Three


What happened aside  from the kayaking trip?

1)  Cpher spent most of the day throwing up.   Not sure what happened here; he didn’t eat anything we didn’t eat and none of us ended up catching a bug if he had one.   But he toughed it out, went with Suzanne to Marquette (with one or two stops for serious bathroom breaks)

2)  The family, without Cpher, went back to Marquette for dinner.  We really liked Marquette; Suzanne was talking about retiring there.  It was super pretty.  There is the inconvenient fact that the annual snowfall is about 140 inches per year.  So, maybe not.


I thought I had more pictures of Marquette


…but I only have these three….


will have to see what Suzanne has.  This is the ore loading dock at Marquette.  You’ll note how calm the lake is in all of these pictures.

3)  The kayaking trip




on the way back Matthew and I shot through the gap between the rocks…


we went in a lot of these caves and checked things out.  Mostly got dripped on


the boy likes to skip stones….



When we stopped for lunch we hiked around.  This picture is after lunch when they went down near the lake (taking a route I was unwilling to attempt)


Not very sunny; and the winds picked up quite a bit on the way back.  Could have been worse; we watched a thunderstorm go by to the north and kayaking through that would have been…well, an experience.



My kayak-mate.  Kevin was paired up with another guy who was well…a little weird.  Brought some type of Native-Indian flute to play inside some of the cave. 

4)  Mackinac

Didn’t take many pictures here…we’ve done it before.  Walked around (we were there on July 4…oh my was it crowded!).  Kevin, Matthew and I biked around the island….Cpher and Suzanne shopped.  Ended the day with a sunset cruise under the bridge and then parked offshore to watch the fireworks at Mackinac City.


Always.  Skipping.  Stones.


The Mighty Mac


It *was* pretty neat to be this close and underneath the bridge


He has gotten his use of this Penn State sweatshirt!…..a lot of pictures of him in it that’s for sure.