Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friday November 7th

This is the 250th post! "Wow, that's a lot!" says Suzanne......

Here's the pictures taken at 9:36 pm last night.....

Christopher's very consistent; it's 9:30, it's bed time, and it really doesn't matter what the rest of the family is doing; he's crawling up into bed and going to sleep.

That's the libretto for School House Rocks Live Jr. in Kevin's hands. He was practicing the songs. He's memorized all of his lines (had that done by Wednesday) and is looking forward to opening night in two weeks! Behind Kevin is the mess that's his can see the folded piece of paper in the background; that's one of the progress reports we received at parent-teacher conferences this week. For Kevin, it was the same-old-same-old type of report....really needs to work on that 0.3% to bring up his social studies grade to an 100%, for example.

Matthew was on the prowl for a football game on TV.....he also spent some time downstairs looking at his new Pokemon handbook. The boys p/t conference is on Monday; Matthew's will be good, Christopher's not-so-good....the big guy is having a fair amount of trouble adjusting to the academics in 2nd grade.

Of course, kitchen work continues. This picture shows the cabinet just to the right of the stove, we've added some dividers (you can see the once circular one and you can see the other through the grates in the other pad) for our cookie sheets and flat pans.

And, of course Wiley is doing his usual Friday night thing. Just Chillin'.