Tuesday, November 18, 2008


(ok, I admit it, I'm not getting back to finish this.....I started it Tuesday night).

Another evening, another layover in Detroit. I've flown frequently enough this year that I easily qualified for Silver Elite status on NorthDelta and, with the end of this flight and the scheduled flight to WashDC in three weeks, I'll have enough segments for Gold Elite.

Anyway, here's the news:

Kitchen: Called the countertop place...they were scheduling to be out next Tuesday for installation, but, we won't be there, so, it won't happen until we get back after Thanksgiving. Will be really glad to finally get that done and have the kitchen return to almost normal.

Basement: Drywall is mostly done in the basement....that looks to be all done before we leave for vacation as well.

Time to board...will finish this later tonight.