Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oahu – Day 13 – Barbers Point

Wednesday was the day of the surfing lesson.  Matthew and Kevin participated; Christopher wasn’t so interested and we didn’t push it.

Both boys had a blast!

The lesson is in a group format; there were about 8 people there in our session.  They spend about 45 minutes on the beach talking over ‘things’ and practicing technique and then about 75 minutes out in the water.  Kevin is part of the group out on the water; Matthew, because he’s only 7, has to have a private instructor.

The instructor is in the water to help take the hard part of the surfing out of the equation; they line up the waves and give you a ‘push’ to help you get moving into the wave.  Kevin has some success doing this and then decides to try and ‘catch a wave’ by himself…..he has less success here but had a great time overall.

When we first pulled up at the beach the first session of lessons was just ending for the day; we could see a kid about Matthew’s size with his instructor out on the water.  The instructor was riding the board in with the kid….we’re not sure why, but, could only assume the instructor was on the board with the kid because the kid was having problems catching on.  Hoped this didn’t happen with Matthew……

Of course, we never should have worried about it…first wave Matthew’s on it and rides it all the way into the beach.  Matthew, on the ride out after the lesson, was very insistent….”Can we do it again???”

Pictures below.   I have some video, will get that uploaded at some point.  A note on the photos….the ones taken from the water are from me; the ‘other’ ones (later in the album) are from the professional photographer that works with the surfing company.

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