Thursday, February 4, 2010


I’ve been a slacker on posting; need to get with the program.  Still need to rescue the photos and video from Christopher’s birthday and some basketball video.


Last night was the music program.  I think I’ve stated my objections to the current format in the past and won’t repeat them here….Suzanne reminds me that a lot of districts in the area don’t even have elementary music classes/programs so I should be grateful to have what we have.

The boys videos are here.  Matthew is blocked quite a bit by the girl next to him; we should have done a better job of asking the boys where they would be standing…would have set up the camera on the other side of the auditorium. 

Non-boy highlight of the night:  during the kindergarten program one little boy spent most of two songs stomping on the foot of the girl that was standing next to him.  She’d try and move away, keep singing all through it, and he kept stomping.  At least until his Dad and the teacher came over and had a few words with him!  Didn’t get any video of *that*….wish I had!