Thursday, February 3, 2011


It took some doing, but I finally figured out a way to get to hear what Kevin has been composing.

He’s been doing his ‘composing’ on the software we bought him a year or so back; the downside of that is that it only installs on one computer at a time AND when his computer crashed (and I had to reinstall xp) the sound drivers died….so, it’s been an issue.

Finally decided to install the trial version on my computer.  So, finally heard it, but there is no way to export the file to a format I could post here.

So, I taped it.  The sound quality sucks, it’s a midi file so it’s basic electronic notes, but, you get the picture.  You’ll have to crank up the volume on the video player and your computer to hear it.

Click for the waltz.

I was completely caught off-guard by this; I didn’t realize he was writing for multiple instruments and very surprised as I first listened to it.  Not sure why, or if he realizes, how minimalistic the work is…..