Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting Ready For the Weekend

The 4-day weekend that the kids (but not the adults) have off has begun.  Spring seems to have arrived (it’s windy and warm, and the snow is gone) and the single digit temperatures look to be gone for good.


This kid had a scrimmage against the other Okemos team last night.  His friends at school, on the other team, told Cpher that they were going to ‘kick their butts”.  Cpher was offended by this, but, the result wasn’t far off that, we lost, 22-16.  We weren’t really in it; I’m glad we had the scrimmage because a few of the boys just flat out forgot what to do in a game; we weren’t aggressive and a few of our players turned away from open shots that we absolutely need them to take.

Christopher played ok; the other team’s center is big and a little more athletic so he’s a challenge and Christopher held up ok.  First game at 11:40 tomorrow morning….