Sunday, February 13, 2011

When I say no, I mean no

Kevin:  The title of the post is about him.  You can find those details at the alternate protected site.  The only thing I’ll say here is that I never had these problems in high school……

Christopher:  A no-basketball weekend; the season-ending tournament is next week.  We are either the #1 or #2 seed in the double-elimination tournament and the whole weekend will be devoured by that event.

The report card came home a week or two ago…first time Cpher has letter grades.    It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t great (it did look nothing like Kevin report cards…) and there is lots of room for improvement.  One positive is that there are no areas identified where he’s behind….which is definitely a step up from last year.

Matthew:  Went snowboarding with Kevin and the Winter Walden gang on Saturday.  As always, absolutely loved it.  Passed the first three levels and couldn’t stop showing Kevin or Dad or Mom (or anyone) his new badge.  Wants to go back again, and again, and again.  It’s a real problem that this conflicts with basketball so much…..not an issue for the end of this year but it will be a big issue next year.

Matthew’s report card centered around the word ‘focus’…..I’d guess 75% of boy report cards go there as well…..