Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


This nugget of happiness arrived in the emailbox Monday am.


Christopher, upon arriving at home, was very apologetic and began offering up punishments (give up his phone, take his tv, etc…).

Asked him what happened….he said he was in line at gym, and this kid was poking him. Poked him once, poked him twice, poked him again and Christopher said “if you poke me again I’m gong to hit you”.  Poked again, Cpher grabbed broom and hit him with the brush end first.  

I asked why he grabbed the broom; no real reason for it….asked him why he didn’t just push or hit the kid, shrugged his shoulders.  I find that I disagree with the counselors in this matter; I’d rather he punched or pushed and not went for a ‘weapon’; they say if he had done that the punishment at school would have been worse. 


I think I would have been ok with Cpher punching the kid and the punishments that came with it….seems like Cpher warned him and gave him more than enough chances to stop it.  I leave all comments about “poking the bear” to others. 

Punishment at home?  Minimal.  More talking than anything else. More focus on the weapon aspect than anything else….