Tuesday, May 20, 2014

An AP Update

Kevin’s senior year is pretty much wrapped up; he completed his AP tests last week and this week he is officially in ‘coast’ mode.  Skip day was yesterday, senior service day is today.

Kevin had two AP classes and self-studied for three more. 

AP Lit – Kevin reports it is very difficult to get a ‘5’ here….past history and scoring I guess gives him that impression.  But he thinks he did well, certainly well enough to get the ‘4’ that he will need to get college credit.

Kevin had AP Lit in the first week of testing…then the next four were all in three days!

AP Government – The second test was the last of the school courses; Kevin had said before he could probably take this test blindfolded and get the score he needs….so, yeah, he thought he did more than good on this test.

AP Human Geography – Perhaps the most important of the tests….this class is considered a science class by Northeastern so, if he can get the score here he doesn’t have to take freshman science.  And Kevin is all about not having to take Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy (ok, he thinks astronomy might be cool).   So combine geography with some science talking about migration and population and that’s what you get here.  And it is in Kevin’s wheelhouse, he thinks he did really well here too.  He probably did more self-study for this class than any other…because the subject interested him.

AP European History – Would have thought this would be more of a slam-dunk than it was….but I don’t think Kevin studied as much as he could have and there’s a lot of history to cover.  He said he did well on the free response but was not as good on the multiple choice; that’s a problem since the multiple choice counts for more of the grade.  We’ll see I guess….

AP Macroeconomics – The test that Mom and Dad were most concerned about….I think this subject received the least amount of attention during self-study and even his last-minute cramming was delayed because the final orchestra concert was the night before the test.   Kevin says he did great on the multiple choice but not well on the free-response.  Again, we’ll see I guess…

Test results come out in early July; if Kevin would get above 4 on all of these tests (he’s gotten ‘5’s on the three he’s taken before this year…AP World History, AP US History and AP Stats) he would essentially start college as a sophomore.  In hindsight, we wish Kevin would have taken AP Calc…while he didn’t take the AP Calc course in school he did take Calculus…nothing to lose and everything to be gained (it looks like that AP Stats course will not count as freshman math) if he had went that route.