Thursday, July 17, 2008

On-Goal Day 3

We've been sharing the carpooling to the camp with another family; today was our day to pick up the 1st graders at noon and the others at 3, so, I went early so I could watch a little bit....

11:30 am: Matthew and Christopher's 'areas' are located near the front of the park towards the parking lot, so, I stop there to watch them and wait for Matthew to finish. Matthew's group is just finishing some singing/teaching/praying time, I can see them under the pavilion singing a "Peeling Bananas" song that requires some wiggling-type of dancing. Christopher is out doing a drill with the 2nd graders...he's easy to pick out, seems to be doing pretty well.

Matthew's group heads back to the field; he stops to say "hi" and wants me to come over, they are going to be playing games! (Matthew has said soccer camp would be great if it weren't for all the stops to talk, sing, and pray.) Christopher's group is heading up to the pavilion for a break; he sees me and waves, and then blows me a kiss. Hard to reconcile that boy with the one who was screaming bloody murder about medicine a week ago sometimes....

I realize now that Matthew is on a team of 6 (but not the same team each time), but, they only play 3 on 3, so, 3 play while 3 sit. He starts off, and, about 2 minutes later it's 2-0 for Matthew's team and his three are heading to the bench. I'm always taken aback by how big Christopher looks in his age group, I really noticed for the first time today how Matthew sticks out in his age group as well. He might not be the tallest kid there, but, it's close. Matthew came out a little later for another rotation and did his patented dribble-through-the crowd-and-cut-back-to-score move, but, missed the last kick towards the goal (trying to left foot it) and held his hands up in frustration as the ball dribbled out of bounds.....

2:30 pm: Matthew and I come back to pick up the other two boys. Christopher, again, is at a break so I don't get a chance to watch him. Matthew and I walk up to see Kevin....look out at the Kevin. Finally we see him, he's playing goalie! And doing a darn good job of it too; stopped a point blank shot at one point. The coach is rotating players in and out; Kevin finally comes out and is pleasantly surprised to see Dad and Matthew there watching him. He went back a little later, this time as defense, and then the game ended. Walked back to check on Christopher, of course, he's not playing (again!) , so, walk back to check on Kevin. He's back in goal again, but, no shots on him before his turn in goal comes to an end.