Monday, October 13, 2008

Greater LSG Invitational

The last cross-country meet of the season was today....Kevin finished with "the worst cramps I've ever had"....we're going to have to look into why he's getting them (not hydrating enough before the race? I don't know..). He finished 7th overall in the open race in 13:14...the top 40 in the Top 7 race get medals, and the Top 10 in the open race get medals, so, Kevin was pretty happy with that (his time wouldn't have been good enough for a Top 40 spot in the 1st race....he would have been about 65th overall).

The race course was, surprisingly, very open and had some high spots that allowed you to see out over the course. So, there's way more footage here than we usually get at cross-country meets.