Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'd like "Things that are awesome for $200, Alex"

1) Probably wouldn't have gone to the new Bond movie in the theatre (although Kevin and I both loved Casino Royale), but, the first real trailer for the movie event of 2009 is before the Bond movie, so, we'll be there!

2) It's not looking awesome, but, it's sounding that way....spent about 15-20 minutes listening to Kevin practice for his all-state audition and his solo for the upcoming Solo and Ensemble festival....the kid's...awesome!

3) Seems that, over the last month, the more temperamental and angry Christopher has gone away, and there's this really sweet little boy left behind. There's been a handful of "wow, where did that come from moments?" recently.....he found the checkbook and left a check for Mom in her purse 'To Mom, From Chris. $100" that she could buy some stuff. Was listing his favorite things and decided that his favorite thing was, well, Wiley. Ahead of the Wii, ahead of everything else. It's been a pleasant change...and that's awesome!

4) Suzanne and I went out for a mid-week dinner (no boys). And that's awesome!

5) Indoor soccer plans are coming together. Most of Matthew's team is coming back, and we've made the decision to play up a year in age to get out on the bigger field. A nice benefit for us is that we can add a 2nd grader or two to that team, so, Christopher and Matthew will be on the same team this winter. And that's.....

6) The selection process for the kitchen countertop is looking up. We went to a local shop here in Lansing (after not really liking the choices at Home Depot or Lowe's, and found the color we like. But, the customer service at "The Top Shop" was lacking....salesman kept walking away to answer the phone and had one price for the quartz we were looking at, $80 a square foot. But that includes everything, he says, tear down, plumbing, a free sink. That's great, because we knew at HD or Lowe's we had to add $$$ in to the prices we were looking at for the edge treatments, etc. But, we tell him that we've done the tear down, we'll take care of the plumbing, we don't want the sink...what's the price. He says $80 as he walks away to deal with a delivery driver (and answer another call). Walk out happy with the color but unhappy with the store...figure we'll look around and find another retailer of that product. And, on the internet, there isn't one in Michigan.

Okay, I can hear you, this isn't sounding awesome. Have patience.

I'm at Ikea (again), buying the last 3 cabinets we need, and, because they screwed up the order a bit, I have to wait around, and, just happen to look over, and lo and behold, Ikea offers the brand of counter we want. At $56. And they have a 10% discount running for orders over $2,500 (we're going to need about 45 square feet). So, I might have to pay a little more to have the installer come up from near Detroit ($1.50/mile for 5o miles), but, we're going to get what we want, a lot cheaper. And that's awesome!

Suzanne was dead set that a color like "Lemon Chiffon" wouldn't be on our walls, no matter how it looked, so, thankfully, the name of this color works......"Chocolate Cognac".