Monday, June 1, 2009

Christopher Art 2009

Again, comments in quotes below are from the artist.


“We had to make an insect.  I made it like a butterfly. We made the leafs by using erasers”


“We had to do daffodils.  We had tissue paper, we had markers, we had to put the marker on the tissue paper and crunch it together.”


“I made a treehouse.  I used some tongue depressors, cardboard, and I made a rainbow”


“i made a spider web.  We had to do different patterns; it was cool!” Dad:  where’s the spider?  “I didn’t draw one”.  Why not?  “It’s not a spider web.”  Okayyyy.


“The snowman is holding ice cream.  (Dad:  Why is the snowman holding ice cream?).  I don’t know.”


“The frog is in the swamp.  I had to do the cattails with paint and I made the frog with paper, oil, and pastels. I tore up paper to make the stems.”


“Here are some sunflowers.  I just made a circle and then I made half ovals to make the sunflower.  I used oil pastels.”   Dad swears it’s chalk…but Christopher says no, oil pastels!”


“I made an insect.  I named it………um…..I’m thinking….um..I”m thinking…um….I named it…Butterscotch”


“I made a bird eating a worm; I made a pattern around the bird and the worm.  I called it a dot-bird.”