Monday, July 27, 2009


As I think about it, my evolution in bowling is very similar to golf…..never played until high school with the ‘gang’ and just totally stunk to start.  The big difference here is that, as part of the Penn State program, I had to take physical education credits, and, spent a semester in a bowling class.

Combine that with some serious bowling and bingo outings with Suzanne in Seattle pre-Kevin, and well, there’s a certain level of success that can be had.  I’ve bowled over 200 on more than one occasion, and, if I’m bowling on a regular basis, can have a reasonable expectation of good results.

Lately, we’ve signed up the boys for a ‘kids bowl free’ program…I think for $30 the boys, theoretically, could bowl 2 free games every day all summer.  In reality, this means if we go a few times, we more than make our money back on the deal.  So, we’ve gone three time this summer.  The first trip I’ve discussed before, totally stunk, finally figured it out at the end and sent Matthew home in tears as I came back to beat him (boys scores are inflated by use of bumpers).  Second trip was with Matthew and Kevin while Mom and Kevin went to a work outing to see the Tigers play the Mariners.  Matthew had a great game in the first game…..went spare, strike, spare at one point.  Didn’t do so well in the 2nd game, and was a little pissed off about it


In the 2nd game I finally got everything untracked and bowled a 170 with only 2 open frames….

Third outing was Sunday; whole family on board.  Kevin, by some freak of nature, has finally figured out bowling as well, and in the first game of the two was a force of nature….just consistently throwing this straight ball right down the lane at the head pin and finished with a 158. 

Suzanne and I couldn’t believe it; he’s never done anything like that before and it was amazing watching it all come together for him.  Dad’s beating Mom most of the game, but, Mom pulls ahead in the 10th a spare and 9 pins and Dad needs to get 5 pins on the last throw to win and chokes and throws a gutter ball.  Mom (and kids) rejoice.


Of course, the result of the 1st game brings out cocky-Kevin, and sets up the fun 2nd game.  I only was open in one frame (early) and threw (rolled?  bowled?) a 182…..much to Kevin and Mom’s disgust.  Christopher had a great day, rolled his highest and second-highest scores to date, 106 and 103 (both him and Matthew are getting better and avoiding the bumpers….both boys seem to have a natural hook too….something Mom, Dad, and Kevin just don’t have….)

If only I could golf like that……