Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kevin’s Summer

The boys (the younger two) are bouncing from summer camp to summer camp; this week and last they are at the MAC and it’s going pretty well.  The week before that they were at zoo camp, and again, that went pretty well.  Started the summer at Okemos Kids Club….and as much as we’d like the boys to go there, the directors are insistent that Matthew be in “his age group”, pre-K to 1st grade, and that means quite a difference in activities (no swimming, just water play) than Christopher’s group (2nd and 3rd graders).  We find their decision troubling given what the school district’s financial situation is, but, we’ll spend our summer dollars elsewhere.

Kevin is spending most of the summer at home.  In amongst the usual summer teenager sit-around-and-do-nothing times, we’ve arranged for some independent study work for him.

AP Human Geography – We tried to go for things that Kevin would have an interest in, and, subjects that Okemos HS didn’t offer….this is one of them.  Kevin’s cruising along; he’s in chapter 4 (Dad’s in Chapter 2 and needs to catch up this week).  I think the material has been interesting for Kevin, so, that’s good.  I had hopes that he’d do enough this summer that taking the AP test would be a possibility next year, but, I’ve come off of that idea……I just don’t think he would do well enough on the written-essay portions.

Music Theory – Also an AP Course, we’re piggy-backing these onto his viola lessons; during the summer, the lessons are two hours, not one, and they are working on music theory and composition.  Again, he’s going along pretty well, and I think he likes the material pretty well…and the musical composition that he’s working on with Jon is a bonus.  Here, Kevin might be able to take the AP test….am going to have to take a longer look at the requirements.  I think he already does some of it quite well (sight reading, for example) but I can’t tell if he’s learning the music theory (have to rely on Jon for that…..)