Monday, July 6, 2009

Iphone Photo Dump


This is a view of the landfill at Selfridge I’ve been working on for the last two years.  Grass is coming in pretty well.


One last Christopher art presentation; in 3-D, with a story.


Christopher and Matthew at the Meridian Township Art Fest


Matthew checking out the police car.  He had a lot of questions about the computer.


Checking out the back of the fire engine


The boys’ sidewalk chalk creation (hard to see though the shadows.  They didn’t win; we think they were robbed.  We didn’t understand at the beginning that we were supposed to make a scene that fit the story, but, surprisingly, we came up with a pretty decent one with a tiger, climbing the mountains to see the sun.

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Spent some time at Art Unlimited; the beginnings of a future Mom present are shown here.


Finished the day back at Wonch Park….took Kevin less than 20 seconds to climb to the top of the swingset. 


Matthew has learned to climb the tree in our front yard; in fact, he’s learned to climb the tree to near the top, leaving Suzanne a little apprehensive at Matthew’s accomplishments


The neighbor (his house in the background) paying off his Red Wing debt….

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Slip and slide deployed in the front yard….boys have since tried to set this up without me and turned the water up too high and burst it….oh well.


Matthew, in the midst of chopping a peanut at Texas Roadhouse….stopped here for dinner before we went to see the new Ice Age movie


Set up the tent over the weekend; we’ve (the boys and myself) have slept outside 2 of the last 3 nights and we’ll go for it again tonight.  The mosquitos are just horrible (they haven’t been this bad all year)…..last night we were inside and could see swarms of them just hanging out outside the screen windows.


Had a little fire and some s’mores the first night.


The boys playing in the trampoline during the fire.  Christopher has his back to us; Kevin is on his hands and knees to the right of him. 


Kevin with the snorkel and mask at the MAC.  Went to Costco this weekend and purchased the snorkel equipment we’d need for Hawaii…..on Sunday, took the boys to the MAC with a set to see how they would do.  Happily, they did quite well.